Osnivač-acarya Njegova Božanska Milost
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Šrila Prabhupada
Dragi bhakte, prijatelji i dobronamjernici ISKCON Zagreb hrama Nova Jaladuta, molimo vas primite naše ponizno poštovanje,
Sva slava Šrila Prabhupadi!
Pred vama je 23. broj Biltena za svibanj. Donosimo vam mnoge zanimljivosti.
Dear devotees, friends and well-wishers of ISKCON Zagreb New Jaladuta temple, Please accept our humble obeisance's,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
In front of you is the 23rd issue of the May Newsletter. We bring you many interesting things.
Dragi bhakte, prijatelji i dobronamjernici ISKCON Zagreb hrama Nova Jaladuta,
Molimo primite naše ponizno poštovanje,
Sva slava Šrila Prabhupadi!
Pred vama je 22. broj Biltena za Travanj.
Dear devotees, friends and well-wishers of ISKCON Zagreb Temple Nova Jaladuta,
Please accept our humble obeisance's,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
In front of you is the 22nd issue of the April Bilten.
U ovome mjesecu i to na pun Mjesec pojavio se Gospodin Caitanya, Izbavitelj čitavog svijeta, o čemu ćete imati priliku čitati u ovom broju.
In this month, on the full moon, Lord Caitanya, the Redeemer of the whole world, has appeared, about which you will have the opportunity to read in this issue.
Dragi bhakte, prijatelji i dobronamjernici ISKCON Zagreb hrama Nova Jaladuta, pred vama je 20. broj Biltena za veljaču. Ovaj mjesec bio je pun uzbudljivih i zanimljivih događaja koji će zasigurno biti inspirativni mnogima od vas.
Dear devotees, friends and well-wishers of ISKCON Zagreb of the Nova Jaladuta temple, in front of you is the 20th issue of the February Bulletin. This month has been full of exciting and interesting events which will surely be an inspiration to many of you.
Dragi bhakte i prijatelji,
Pred vama je posljednje izdanje biltena u 2020. godini.
Prema očekivanju, najviše vijesti bit će u svezi Srila Prabhupada maratona dijeljenja knjiga.
Dear devotees and friends,
In front of you is the last issue of the newsletter in 2020.
As expected, most of the news will be regarding the Srila Prabhupada book distributing marathon.
Dragi bhakte, prijatelji i dobronamjernici,
Primite naše ponizno poštovanje,
Sva slava Srila Prabhupadi!
Pred vama je 17. izdanje biltena Nova Jaladute.
Dear devotees, friends and well-wishers,
Receive our humble obeisances,
All glory to Srila Prabhupada!
In front of you is the 17th issue of the Nova Jaladute newsletter.
Dragi bhakte, prijatelji i dobronamjernici, pred vama je 16. izdanje biltena Nova Jaladute koji obuhvaća zbivanja u zajednici za mjesec listopad.
Dear devotees, friends and well-wishers, in front of you is the 16th issue of the Nova Jaladute newsletter, which covers community events for the month of October.
Dragi bhakte i prijatelji, Slijede novosti o događanjima u zajednici, okupljenoj oko Nova Jaladuta Sri Sri Gaura Nitai hrama u Zagrebu, za mjesec rujan.
Budući da zagrebački hram od sada ima novu tajnicu, bhn. Irenu, ona samim time preuzima uredništvo biltena.
Dear devotees and friends, the following is news about the events in the community, gathered around the New Jaladuta Sri Sri Gaura Nitai Temple in Zagreb, for the month of September. Since the Zagreb temple now has a new secretary, bhn. Irena, she thus takes over the editorial board of the newsletter.
Dragi bhakte i prijatelji, pred vama je 14. broj biltena za mjesec kolovoz, koji, inače poznat kao mjesec godišnjih odmora i oskudice duhovnih događanja, ove godine bio je sušta suprotnost. Štoviše, bio je to jedan od duhovno najintenzivnijih mjeseci u cijeloj godini - što se tiče događanja, ali i odaziva mnogih bhakta i gostiju.
Dear devotees and friends, in front of you is the 14th issue of the newsletter for the month of August, which, otherwise known as the month of holidays and the lack of spiritual events, this year was the complete opposite. Moreover, it was one of the most spiritually intense months of the year - in terms of events, but also the response of many devotees and guests.
Dragi bhakte i prijatelji, hvala vam što pratite vijesti o zbivanjima i programima u Sri Sri Gaura Nitai Novoj Jaladuti kroz ovaj bilten već više od godinu dana...
Dear devotees and friends, thank you for following the news about events and programs in Sri Sri Gaura Nitai Nova Yalduta through this newsletter for more than a year...
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